"Conflict over water is inevitable because demand for the resource is tied directly to the architectural principle that form follows function. The momentum value of water leads directly to the desire to harnass that value through hyrdrogeneration. This value can conflict with water's capacity for buoyance, which generates a demand for recreation and barge traffic, which, in turn, can conflict with its solvency value for irrigation, which will demand the water be released on schedule for those purposes, which, in turn, can conflict with environmental values demanded by the myriad natural resource systems, instream flows, wetlands, and species, all of which require that it be allowed to move in its natural, unobstructed state. It is the resolution of these conflicts that lies at the heart of LRPA's legal mission."
LRPA is a full service law firm providing professional legal services in a variety of practice areas.
Although much of LRPA's work relates to water and environmental law, natural resource law overlaps with real property, contracts, administrative law and complex litigation. Thus, LRPA is required on a daily basis to resolve legal issues at multiple intersections of the law.
To this end, LRPA places a premium on complementary problem-solving styles in its recruitment of attorneys. For example, while attorneys possess technical training, effective problem-solving often also requires creativity. It is our experience that the best legal solutions require both. We believe this commitment to working among a team of attorneys that have complementary problem-solving styles translates into the development of more efficient solutions, better legal results, and ultimately, Client cost savings.
LRPA is aggressive in advocating its Clients' interests while always bearing in mind that those interests are often best served by reasonable compromise aimed at avoiding expensive litigation. Indeed, we routinely explore alternative means to resolve disputes including meditation, arbitration and negotiated settlements in recognition of the reality that in many instances, protracted litigation is entirely too costly and time - consuming for our Clients. Of course, there are times when litigation cannot be avoided, and in those situations, a litigation strategy consistent with a Client's goals must be pursued.